The number 7 in numerology

The number 7 in numerology
The 7 can provide other people with higher and deeper insights
People with the number 7 as their birth number have inner knowledge and prefer to deal with ethereal and spiritual matters rather than with the 'ordinary' world. More than other mission numbers, the 7 is spiritually gifted. The 7 is eager to learn and creative and can complete their tasks well. Due to their reflection, the 7 can become somewhat isolated and appear dreamy.
The life mission of someone with a 7 is to be retired since birth. Rest gives the 7 confidence and stress gives doubt. The challenge of the 7 is to regain confidence in this life. So don't become dependent on the applause and knowledge of others. The 7 should provide other people with higher and deeper insights. He is idealistic and visionary and his ideas should be committed to paper. The 7 is a world citizen, he feels at home everywhere and needs peace and quiet to live a relaxed life.