The number 8 in numerology

The number 8 in numerology
Your mission is to make something grow.
The 8 is good at organizing and has a flair for business. He has a strong need for material wealth. He also desires prestige and success, although it may require great effort from an 8 to maintain all this prestige and success. An 8 has the ability to manifest and concretize ideas, has a desire for power and has a strong personality.
The life mission of someone with an 8 is to do nothing for nothing. The 8 is the only one of the numbers that may see money as a goal. The 8 can grow something into a large company. The 8 is not a worker and not a leader but the producer. From a royal status, the 8 may constantly present itself to the world in an appropriate, arrogant manner. The 8 has a strong will to win and this drive allows him to compete and do business well. The 8 must mobilize other people for a common goal and organize things for this purpose.