The number 4 in numerology

The number 4 in numerology
Clarity towards oneself and towards others is very important.
The 4 is in its power when it uses its work energy. The 4 has perseverance, discipline, and is reliable and predictable. The credo is “don't talk, just polish”. They are people who can think practically and need certainty. They do not act rashly. The 4 is a good, loyal friend and, moreover, he is creative and passionate.
The life mission of someone with the number 4 is to give shape to ideas and to implement them in earthly practice. The 4 needs to build up. It is important for a 4 to resolve everything immediately and not let anything take its course. If a 4 does not do this, chaos will arise and someone with the number 4 should not live in chaos. It is not easy for the 4 in this life, because the 4 has to chase everything. Clarity towards oneself and towards others is very important.