The number 2 in numerology

The number 2 in numerology
People with the number 2 want cooperation and harmony
In numerology, the numbers 2, 3 and 6 represent the worry numbers. The 2 is all about cooperation, harmony and establishing connections with other people. The 2 is slightly more passive than a “1” and is more of a follower than a trendsetter. The 2 is a bridge builder, but not a bridge. No one is allowed to walk over a 2.
What energies are we dealing with with the number 2?
The life mission of someone with the number 2 is to learn to listen to the inner voice and thus resolve the conflict within themselves. In this way the 2 problems are eliminated and dilemmas are no longer an issue. A pitfall of the 2 is to keep deliberating for too long. The 2 has a desire for connection, intuition and reflection. The 2 is ideal for wearing a ring.